Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Sweet Little Bird Baby Shower

My dear friend Jessica is expecting her second little boy any day now, and my friend Helen and I recently threw her an intimate baby shower in my backyard.  I LOVE throwing any kind of party, and Jessica kindly agreed to let me share the details with you.  :)

We made the invitations, nothing fancy, but cute:

Plenty of sweet treats of course:

Brioche Recipe
Recipe coming soon

I made the cupcake wrappers, they're super easy and it makes it easy to coordinate your party.  Find the instructions here.

The Wishing Tree: guests could leave wishes for the new baby

We invited guests to decorate a onsie for the new baby:

Me and the glowing mama-to-be:

Congrats Jessica!!!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Dang Corrine you are so creative. Party looked great! You need to be a party planner.
